The ’70s were an age of decadence and self-awareness in the UK and America. Society was becoming more aware of its surroundings and environmental concerns were being acknowledged. In this decade alone the Beatles broke up, America pulled its forces out of Vietnam, Microsoft was founded and Elvis was found dead. There was a lot going on – but, incredibly, not as much going on as you’ll find in these pictures you’re about to look at.
’70s style was all about pattern, boldness and making a statement. Here’s a few ideas that will inspire you to pull it off yourself…
The kitchen
Clashing patterns and bright colours were a staple of the ’70s, following the more muted creams and blues of interior design in the ’60s. These kitchen tiles are a great example of mismatched brilliance – the colours are bright yet warm, giving the room a homely glow. I love the brown and orange colouring and contrast of the classic tiles.
The living room
Yellow and white was one of the most popular colour combinations in the ’70s. Obviously a splash of brown will never go amiss, and there are subtle slithers in amongst the scatter cushions and on the lampshades. Even the grotesque, scorched tree trunk table looks lovably clunky in this interior.
The bedroom
When it comes to nailing the ’70s look, colour scheme is integral. This is actually a modern apartment but the artwork is made to reflect art from the ’70s, and it’s bang on. Deep oranges, greens and browns sum up the period beautifully. And, to top off the look, a shag rug is thrown in the mix. This is the perfect blend of modern and classic – brilliant.
The bathroom
This style of vintage cabinet is a staple of the ’70s and really steals the show with this simplistic bathroom. As always, tiles are king with this look, and the floor tiles add just enough of a ’70s graphic element to make an impact without making the room look too busy. Perfection.
Bathrooms, Colour schemes, Fun Stuff, Interiors and Ideas, Tips and Hints, Useful Resources, Vintage.